The kidneys are an important part of human anatomy that filters excess water and wastes from the blood and excretes them in the urine. The kidneys also secrete chemicals into the bloodstream that are used to help regulate blood pressure and help initiate red blood cell creation and bone formation. If the kidneys have reached a point of failure that is above 80%, then the individual who is suffering from kidney failure may need to go on dialysis in order to continue to get rid of the extra water and wastes.
How Does Dialysis Work
A dialysis machine has been designed to mimic the filtration process that occurs in a healthy kidney. If you have ever had the privilege of learning how diffusion works, then you know that particles in water will pass from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration if they are small enough to fit through the holes in a membrane. The kidneys take advantage of the principle of diffusion when they filter the blood. Within the kidneys, there are small chambers (Bowman’s Capsules) that contain a collection of very small blood vessels. As the blood passes through the vessels in these chambers, molecules move from the bloodstream into the network of tubes that form urine. …Click Here to Continue Reading